Top MMOVSG & Online Sex Games

Welcome to MMOVSG Sex Game Reviews

Welcome to the most popular sex game review site! Like you, we have a passion for 3d sex games. Our mission is to show you what sex games are out there and what you’re going to get. The final decision is yours, but rest assured that you’re in good hands when you follow the MMOVSG sex games reviews that are accompanied by multifaceted user submitted reviews. Authentic impressions for sex game lovers, by sex game lovers!

Top 10 Sex Games

#Game ReviewVisitScoreCategory
13D SexVilla 2Icon Visit Blue9.4Virtual Sex Game
2Red Light CenterIcon Visit Blue9.2MMO Social Game
33DXChatIcon Visit Blue8.9MMO Virtual Sex Game
4Chathouse 3DIcon Visit Blue8.8MMO Virtual Sex Game
5Hentai 3D 2Icon Visit Blue8.7Virtual Sex Game
6AChatIcon Visit Blue8.7MMO Social Game
7GirlvaniaIcon Visit Blue8.6Lesbian Sex Game
8Virtual Hottie 2Icon Visit Blue8.5Virtual Sex Game
9SociolotronIcon Visit Blue8.5MMO Role-Playing Game
10Encyclopedia of SexIcon Visit Blue8.5Sex Education

Most Popular Sex Games : Top Rated By You

#Game ReviewVisitScoreRatingsCategory
13D SexVilla 2Icon Visit Blue8.5865Virtual Sex Game
2Hentai 3D 2Icon Visit Blue8.2264Virtual Sex Game
3AChatIcon Visit Blue7.8267MMO Social Game
4GirlvaniaIcon Visit Blue7.819Lesbian Sex Game
53DXChatIcon Visit Blue7.8158MMO Virtual Sex Game
6SociolotronIcon Visit Blue7.6733MMO Role-Playing Game
7Juliet Sex SessionIcon Visit Blue7.676Virtual Sex Game
8Red Light CenterIcon Visit Blue7.2722MMO Social Game
9Virtual Hottie 2Icon Visit Blue7.098Virtual Sex Game
10XStoryPlayerIcon Visit Blue7.041Virtual Sex Story

What are MMOVSG ?

Massively Multiplayer Online Virtual Sex Games (MMOVSG) are computer games that give primacy to some aspect of sex or sexuality by the simulation of sexual intercourse between two or more player characters who interact with one another within a virtual world.

If the subject virtual sex is completely new for you, you may first want to read the virtual sex essay.

The abbreviation MMO is commonly used to classify games which are played concurrently (= massively) by a large number of real players (= multiplayer) over the internet (= online). For the identification of the game genre various MMO subtypes exist like MMORPG (MMO Role-Playing Game) or MMOSG (MMO Social Game). Besides the genre a MMO game considers itself as a MMOVSG if virtual sex is primary supported.

The most prominent MMOVSG representatives are the following online sex games:
Red Light Center (MMOSG), AChat (MMOSG), 3DXChat (MMOSG) and Sociolotron (MMORPG).

Not all of the games reviews and lists are multiplayer sex games that are played online, rather a comprehensive overview is given about all computer games that support virtual sex including singleplayer sex games and offline variants.

All online sex games are individually reviewed and rated accompanied by screenshots, videos, user ratings and user submitted reviews. Authentic impressions for sex game lovers, by sex game lovers where reliable player feedback saves time and money…

For your convenience sex games on are categorized and thus easiliy accessible over the different sex game categories.

No fan of comprehensive ranking lists with lots of detailed game reviews ?
Get a quick overview with the sex game advisor that gives a brief account to the most prominent representatives of the different sex game types and distinguishes them from each other emphasizing their main characteristics.

You furthermore find the always favored top 10 sex games list and the most popular sex games list where the games are sorted from best to worst rating by users.

Finally, the sex games chronicle lists retrospectively all computer sex games by the year of publication.